Monday, October 8, 2012


Some of the issues I have related to my webtext is that although I do know a lot about computers I am not computer savy. I have had a few issues when it comes to researching some of my subject material in google scholars only because some of them want you to purchase the material prior to reading the whole piece. Another issue that I have encountered is the way to word specific issues without becoming too repetitive or boring to say the least. I find that some of my writing may be below that of scholorly at least this is my own personal opinion as far as how I would like the reader to understand and get the importance of my work. It has become hard to guide my threw the understanding of the fonts, them change and how to make the lay out how I would like it. I recently have seeked helped for this and have somewhat of a better understanding now. In my disscussion posts for this class they seem to be very helpful in relating to my webtext and be used as examples of work that needed to be placed the web text. I enjoy the writhing journals so far because it helps with gathering ideas on topics and different ideas. I am over coming these issues by going to the wring lab and emailing peers to proof read and rereading my material as often as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, overall you've touched on a few of the rhetorical choices you've had to made, but I don't see much correlation between audience needs and the decisions you've made about document design, tone of voice, or image selections. (I realize you had a late start on this too)

