Thursday, December 6, 2012


Catherine Twomey, 2006. Photo Google scholar

 Summary:The image is plurpotent cells
Ascess:I will be useing this image.
Reflect:I will be using this image in my slideshow
 Paul J. Tesar, 2006. Photo Google scholar
Summary: The image is of a human stem cell
Assess: The source is useful to go with my content in my slideshow
Reflect: I will be using the image in my slide show
 Zoey Huang, 2012. Photo Google Scholar
Summary: The source is actual researchers in a topic that I will be using in my slideshow.
Assess: The source is useful in my research.
Reflect: I will be useing in my slideshow presentation.
 Cartoon about stem cell research and congress. 2011. Photo Google Scholar Images
Summary: The image is a good reflection of my content.
Ascess: The source corisponds to my wrinings in my slideshow
Reflect: I will be useing in my slideshow

Sofia Ambrosia, 2011. Photo Google scholar
Summary:The Image gives good visualation in regards to my content.
Ascess : The image gives my viewer a more relationship with my slideshow
Reflect: I will be useing this image in my slideshow

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