Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Slide show

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

slide show

My Idea for the slide show would be to first show some of the different stem cells and focus on the diseases. I would show the pictures of the diseases if at all possible and show some of the stages that occurr when there is no possible cure. I would also show the differnt surgerys performed when harvesting the different types of stem cells. I would try to  show pictures of reasearch projects that are currently going on to dipict the hours scientist put into the cure for each individual patient. I would also emphise how much of schooling each scientist has to go threw to get to be a reasearcher in a stem cell project. This would show that there is muck knowledge going into completeing the project themselves. I may even place some charts with stats showing the cures deaths and possible side effect deaths or worse out comes so that the patients can visually see both sides of the so called coin. I would also possibly show images of the scientist if I have or find. I would also maybe show at what stage would work best for the treatment to work opposed to being so far gone. Although some reasearchers need patients that are in different stages so that hopefilly they would be able to provide a cure for them then.

Posted by lisa f at 8:57 AM No comments:

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