Sunday, December 2, 2012

Interview protical

interview protical

Stem cells and trials

1.     I will talk to someone who is a scientist who is working a clinical trial where stem cells are being studied.

2.     I will conduct this interview either via email or on the phone.

3.     My goal is to learn the effects on the stem cells themselves and what happens in the process of the trials on the scientific side.

4.     I will conduct this interview in formal and professional manner.

5.     I want to learn the effects on the study of the stem cells themselves and if all of the cells are used in the process and what happens in each step of the process.

6.     I want to learn from both a scientific and personal view on the stem cells studies exactly what ones are most productive in slowing or preventing which diseases.

7.     I want to know there stand on the issue as far as the laws and guide lines of clinical stem cells.

Contact information:

Dr. Lucy Godley

The University of Chicago Medicine
5841 S. Maryland Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637 | 773-702-1000


What is your position and what is your day to day job? Is the same issue focused on each day? What is required from you as far as the scientific side?

What is the difference in all of the types of stem cells you research by this I mean how you contain and keep them preserved for the scientific portion?

Can a patient start noticing the effects of a successful stem cell Transplant right away or is there a length of time before you will know if it took?

In your opinion why is there so much controversy on embryonic and not so much on other types of stem cells when it comes to clinical trials?

Are there any cells that you notice right on harvesting or testing that you know will not work and how is it that you know this?

What happens in the trials with the funding when there aren’t enough patients for the trial?

Who makes for a healthy patient in harvesting the stem cells? Where do you most likely focus your retrieval from when cells are needed as far as family or random donors?

What does a dr or scientist go through when the transplants are not successful? Do you hold a meeting and try to find out where complications may have occurred or do you just chalk it up to the body just rejected it without further thought?

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